Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Today has been crazy. First off we had a Bomb threat for today so basically if you cough the wrong way you are sent to the office. Also it was the seniors last day so they strolled up in school with some Water AK47's and super soakers and everything and alot of the teachers and halls were wet. So it's been wild.

I've had some interesting conversations today. One of my best friends is now talking to this guy and he doesn't believe in God. He hates Bush and is for Gay marriage. He loves peace and wants world peace. and this girl just started getting into church and it kills me to see her hang out with this guy. Now don't get me wrong I respect this guys opinion 100% and I love him he really is a cool guy but seriously this guy thinks marriage is stupid and pointless. It's like she's setting herself up for a heart break and there is nothing I can say or do to let her see that and IT'S KILLING ME because I care about this girl ALOT and she's like walking down a road that has big flashy signs saying COME GET HURT. I don't know I just want to see her happy for once.

Well besides all that I've been very stressed this whole day has been aggravating me. I got a behavior clinic for not having my ID. Everybody is flipping out because of this bomb threat and I don't know it's just been a rough day.

I PRAY that you guys are having away better day than I am. Love you guys.





tori ohlerking said...

wow. sounds like a pretty rough day, my friend.

but - now school is over- and refuge is in less than three hours! haha. that should help relieve some stress.
keep your head up and stay focused on the positive. you're awesome!


Ariel said...

Tyler- At least you didnt get soaked by the water ballons and was like three seconds late for first hour lol like some of us (cough cough)

Sarah Head said...

gah, im sorry t-barry.
i don't understand why we girls always go for the boys that we KNOW will tear our hearts up.
i pray that everything gets better--

but hey, its friday now, so that means its already a lot better!!

Jamie said...

that's interestingly hard, or so it seems! I am so glad I'm homeschooled, I mean, come on, somebody's got to do it! Today's Friday, here comes the weekend, and do my eyes deceive me, or is that the dance dance machine coming this way!!!!!

SKittles (with a capital K)